

Cedarville University follows the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the most recent guidance from the Department of Justice regarding service animals. Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.  这种工作或任务的例子包括引导盲人, 提醒聋人, 拉轮椅, 警示和保护癫痫发作的人, 提醒精神病患者服用处方药物, actively calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, 或履行其他职责. 服务性动物是工作动物,不是宠物. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Service animals perform some of the functions and tasks that the individual with a disability can不 perform for himself or herself.

Cedarville University will 不 ask about the nature or extent of an individual’s disability. 然而, when it is 不 readily apparent that the dog identified by the individual with a disability is trained to do disability-related work, the 残疾人服务 staff may ask the student with the disability if the dog is required because of the student’s disability and what work or task the animal has been specifically trained to perform.  Documentation or proof that the dog has been trained as a service animal will 不 be required.

根据联邦法律, 沙巴体育允许服务性动物进入校园建筑, 教室, 学生宿舍, 办公室, 餐饮设施, 娱乐设施, 以及大多数允许处理的区域.  Note: Ohio Administrative Code also provides for accommodation of animal assistants in certain situations and under specific conditions. Exceptions may include areas or situations where the dog is a threat to the health and safety of others or when the presence of the dog constitutes a fundamental alteration to a program or service. 虽然服务犬可以穿专门的背心,但法律并没有要求这样做.


Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do 不 qualify as service animals under the ADA.


Students wishing to utilize a service animal on campus should contact the 残疾人服务 for Students office at 937-766-7437. 如果服务犬的训练者计划住在大学宿舍, the handler should provide sufficient 不ice to the Residence Life office so appropriate arrangements for placement can be made.



训犬员必须在任何时候有效地控制狗. 在艾达, 服务性动物必须被套上, 栓着, 或系, unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices. 在这种情况下, 个体必须通过声音保持对动物的控制, 信号, 或者其他有效的控制措施.

服务犬的照顾和健康是训犬员的唯一责任. 训导员负责保持狗的健康和清洁, 包括使用跳蚤和蜱虫控制.


处理者必须确保服务动物遵守当地条例, 包括疫苗接种和许可证. 必须提供狂犬疫苗注射证明.

训犬员对服务犬的行为负有经济责任, 包括对他人的身体伤害和/或财产损失. Any damage to Cedarville University property will be charged to the handler’s student account.

The handler should be prepared at all times with plastic bags to immediately clean up the dog’s waste. 这些袋子在清理后要牢固地绑好,并放在外面的垃圾桶里.

狗应该在宿舍或校园建筑发生事故吗, 处理者应立即对该区域进行彻底消毒. Handlers who are 不 physically able to fulfill these responsibilities are to make arrangements for assistance. 沙巴体育不负责这些服务.


在处理者丧失行为能力的情况下, emergency contact information for care of the animal should be supplied to the Residence Life office.


It may become necessary to ask that a service dog may be removed from Cedarville University premises if the dog is 不 housebroken, 是否会对他人造成严重破坏, 是否直接威胁到他人的健康和安全, 或者狗没有被很好地控制.


The Americans with Disabilities Act assures individuals with disabilities who are accompanied by service animals that they will 不 be excluded from public places, nor will they be charged additional fees because 他们是 accompanied by their service dog. 接受训练的服务性动物不受《沙巴体育》的同样保护. Access for the handler and partner is only ensured if the dog is fully trained to provide a specific disability-related job for the individual with a disability.

俄亥俄州法律(联邦法典第955条).43) provides the same rights of access for individuals who are training service animals for a non-profit special agency. Only dogs that are actively training under a non-profit special agency to perform specific disability-related tasks for individuals with disabilities are assured this right to access.

Cedarville University has established policy for service dogs in training based on (1) The accepted practices suggested by Assistance Dogs International (ADI); and (2) Lack of further clarification under Ohio state law in reference to the term, “在训练中.” A service dog in training is a dog that is accompanied by its trainer and is undergoing individual training specifically to provide the disability-related work or service for an individual with a disability. This does 不 include young dogs or puppies undergoing obedience training or socialization (generally 18 months or younger) who may later become service animals. Adult dogs are recognized as being “in training” to provide disability-specific assistance only after they have completed an earlier period of socialization and are actively training to perform their specific work-related task.

As service animals in training in the state of Ohio are only given access rights when accompanied by someone employed by a nonprofit agency, 他们是 permitted to reside in Cedarville University 学生宿舍 nor be present in other areas of campus except those places where all students are welcome to bring pets. 类似的, puppies who are being fostered in preparation for future service animal training are 不 permitted in 学生宿舍 or on campus except where pets are allowed.